Soph's post - Grandma P had lots of fun giving Ethan rides on her chair. He was pretty keen and especially enjoyed being outside on the back porch - then he could at least hear the cars going by on Corydon!
Other advantages to being on the popular strip, is going for pints with friends. Dylan thought he'd show Ethan how good a pint of Keith's can taste. Hmm hmm good!

Ethan enjoyed watching the traffic go by on Corydon while sitting on the back of the couch at Grandma Ps house. He also got to spend a good amount of time in the van, which he had a love-hate relationship with (it all depends on how bumpy the ride was).

We spent an afternoon and evening in St.Lupicin with the family during the last weekend in July, when they were putting on a music festival to raise money for the church. Cousin Eric drove the shuttle truck from the parking lot to the festival site (you can tell he really hated that job!)

We got to swim in the pool at St.Lu, but Ethan thought it was a bit cold that day. He did have a fantastic swim at Marj and Jim's pool a few days earlier, where the water was as warm as a bath. The weather hovered around 36 deg C for most of the time we were in Manitoba, so we either hunkered down indoors in the a/c, or hung out in other people's pools. Thanks for that!

Ethan and Jane at Safeway in Osborne Village....It was fun to finally be able to 'introduce' Ethan to friends and family who had yet to meet him. Everyone who has known Greg for the longest say Ethan looks like him, and everyone who's known me the longest say he looks like me. Hmm. I guess there's a good mix in there, eh?

There was a show on at Imax about sharks, and we got to see the display for it at the Forks. Ethan thought it was pretty exciting... We enjoyed walking around the Forks and sort of being tourists in our hometown.

Ethan and I survived the flight to Winnipeg and back to Ottawa, although it would have been nice to fly with papa. Good thing it's such a short trip....
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