Some random photo's over the month of July:
Left - We hooked up with Marc, Lori, and Keelin for a stroll down Wellington Street for Ottawa's Westfest. It was good to see them again after they had their post-wedding 4 week recovery.
Left - Keelin's new found joy for pine cones. We can hardly wait till Ethan is old enough so that he can start tearing around with his older cousin.
Ethan has taken a huge loving to the Richard Scarry Busy day books, and gets really vocal with all the photo's. The books are a bit short, but he doesn't realize yet that we just flip back to the first page and start over. We have to watch out when we replicate the "DRRINNNG!" sound of the phone ringing, as he flails all his limbs wildly every time. I've taken a few fists across the face already.

At 11:07 AM,
Tannis said…
Ah, the wisdom of Richard Scarry. We still attribute Ivy's massive vocabulary to the big book you gave her early on - great gift!
At 10:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
That is great that he is already into books! James just tries to eat them right now.
At 11:28 AM,
Develo said…
The Richard Scarry books are indeed lots of fun. There's enough detail on the page to keep the books interesting after the 20th read through.
Ethan would probably rather jam the book into his mouth as well, and this is why the books are still beyond his arms reach.
We're going to try to split the reading material 50/50 between English and French. When his word development starts, it will be interesting to see how the two languages are eventually separated by him.
At 1:38 PM,
Jeremy said…
Love that photo of the mini-Greg and Greg reading the Richard Scarry. Priceless.
Time for some blog updates from the Manitoba trip, methinks.
At 7:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
Grandma P loves Richard Scarry too!
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