Ethan has a lot to say about spending time on his tummy. We figure that it's a good thing that the advice these days is 'back to sleep', otherwise he'd have protested loudly.

Here he is just a week before his 2 month birthday. His big head hasn't caused him to roll over quite yet, but I'm sure it will happen soon enough. Babies are funny this way, with their heads being about 1/4 the size of their body, and adults being around 1/8 the size of their body. Imagine how cartoon-like adults would look if their head was a 1/4 the size of their body!

Ah, a quiet moment. He has since grown out of this onesie; the stitches were pulling to their limit at the crotch!
At 11:13 PM,
Jeremy said…
HA haha...this guy's awesome. We were all just standing around the laptop admiring these pics -- the girls were fascinated.
At 12:58 PM,
l-tek-4 said…
Awww....very cute. I'm all for interactive babies. Tummy Time was highly protested at our house, looks like Ethan is pretty happy to have a different view of the world. Those giant baby heads come in handy - he'll use the weight ala a bowling ball to flip himself over in the next month or so.....
At 4:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
Aw, too cute! I can't believe how he is now morphing from looking like daddy to mommy now. Did you know all babies do this? They start out looking like dad so that the dad has a moment of pride, and is satisfied that the child is his. Then, after a few weeks, the child begins to morph into looking more like mommy, who will take even greater pride in that, and have that satisfaction for life.
At 10:10 PM,
tfoxfan said…
I too reneg on my earlier comments that Ethan looks like G - this babe quite Sophie-ish now. Of course you both have those big eyes though.
It's fun to see how Ethan is growing and changing. For some reason it seems so early that he can hang on his own and look around without support. I guess I'll have to get in the mind of being constantly impressed by the changes.
At 11:09 AM,
Anonymous said…
Funny how to me he just looks like himself, eh?!(and a little Winston Churchill of course). I don't know Heather, I've seen bubs who always look like their dads or mums, so maybe it's not all babies...
Hey Esther, we learn as much from our babies as they do from us, I think. They'll do it all in their own time. But you won't even believe how amazing it is when you get that first engaging smile. WOW!
At 9:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
My comment was made quite tongue-in-cheek, but yes, I suppose saying that ALL babies morph in this matter is slightly overstated. :) It is amazing how suddenly they reach a new milestone, and someone will ask "when did he learn to do that?", and I have no idea. He just started to do it! James is working on learning to crawl now. This is both humourous, and heart-breaking, as he ends up injured fairly often after valiant efforts to reach further than he can.
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