On June 5th, we had a quick visit from Marj and Dianne, who were on a whirlwind tour of the capital. Marj got off about 2000 pictures of Ethan (I think my Mom requested that as a minimum), by using the automatic shutter feature on her fancy camera. I'll have to see them when we get back to Winnipeg at the end of July.

At one point, Marj proclaimed that she couldn't leave yet until she inspected the shenken (spelling???). My low German isn't great, but I'm thinking it's leg fat. Any ideas? She seemed impressed by it either way, so I guess bub is doing well.
At 10:15 PM,
Domestic Bloggess said…
It does indeed refer to chubby legs. (I'm Jer's cousin btw and therefore related to Dianne and Marj). We have an 11 month old son and when I was in Winnipeg a few months ago the "shenkens" were all the family talked about. Too funny. You're little dude is a honey - looks like you're both totally in love with him. Congrats!
At 11:53 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey Greg and Sophie and darling Ethan,
I'd say "Shinkens" but what do I know? Ethan's passed the "Granny shinken test" anyway. I think on a pig, the shinken would be the ham. Attractive, eh? Can't wait to show you all the pics in July.
At 8:39 AM,
Develo said…
Thanks for the translation. We're making our first trip back to Winnipeg in around 3 weeks, and expect a full onslaught of inpsections by all well-meaning relatives. Should be fun.
At 8:40 AM,
Develo said…
We were so glad you guys took the time out of your busy schedule to drop by for abit. Can't wait to see you all in a few weeks. The Shinken translation seems correct - we've just been calling them his hambones
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