Ethan has been demonstrating all the signs of being ready to eat solids for a while already, and we figured the extra calories may help to push him through the night. Our first attempt was with rice cereal while we were in Winnipeg, however, the entire trip seemed to throw his groove off, and so we abandoned it until returning to Ottawa. Since then, he's tried all sorts of foods, going through phases where he liked to sit in his chair, liked to sit on our laps, preferred a spoon, and sometimes preferred for us to hand feed him.

Ethan is still occasionally a bit cautious about the whole process, and may be asking " What is this strange-textured stuff? There's no way I'm eating any more of this crap until I see papa take a spoonful as well". At one stage, he abandoned the solid foods entirely, and went on a brief two week hunger strike. On reflection, we figure it was likely just due to a cold. After that cleared up, he seemed ok again with the prunes, sweet pototoes, wax beans, pears, blueberries and the full-fat yoghurt. It's shocking though how many clothes he is plowing through now, even with the bibs. The cloth ones turned out to be useless, and we opted for the wipeable plastic ones instead.
At 5:50 PM,
Jeremy said…
Love that second photo for the green theme: on his face, the spoon, the bib...the light is neat too.
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