Tanking up Fatty
Sophie signed up for a 10 week "Mum and Baby Yoga" class taking place just up the street at the Old Ottawa South fire hall. It looks like a tonne of fun, and the now much bulkier bub can act as a good counterweight during the yoga moves. She's also hoping to join a Strollersize group, where mothers and baby's go for long walks along the canal paths at least once week, and then inundate Starbucks or the Second Cup when they're done.
So far, Ethan has been kind to us, and is only forcing us to really get up once during the night for a feeding (12 -> 4 -> 7) . We've read in the "The baby whisperer" that it may be possible to extend the sleeping time during the night using a method called "tanking", so we gave it a go. Basically, it involves feeding him twice as much during the latter part of the evening - filling up the tank. It worked well, and he slept almost 5 hours straight, but the catch is that when he wakes up, he stays up for a long time.